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Mobile Applications Driving Online Travel Business

Travel and Tour business one fastest growing business that is expanding from the last decade. In a recent estimation report, travel and tour businesses stand at $147 billion that will be $260 billion in the next decade. This report was presented by the World Travel Tourism Council. Another report from UNWTO (United Nation World Tourism Organization) state that in 2015 there were 1.2 billion people traveling around the world. This shows Tour And Travel is a very big and expanding industry.
This industry needs stellar and smooth services that are from both the Agency and Traveller. If we look at another statistic, we got to know that 85% of booking takes place on mobile browsers or apps. Not just that, 54% of the restaurants are also booked via mobile. 60% of navigation is done on mobile and 34% of travelers use social media while traveling. Transportation also has its part here of 12% while other traveling apps are used 23%. From this, we can conclude that a mobile app can be handy for a Tour and Travel business.

If you are into the tourism industry and find the right IT company that offers Travel Application development service then you should grab that offer. Just think of it as what if all the statistics mentioned above are performed via your app? Right, It will be another benefit for your business and it will build the trust that every business needs. So let’s dig deep and look for more benefits you can get from mobile applications.

All Travel Bookings in One Application

 Booking is actually a lot more easy on mobile applications than on desktops. When a user found everything in one place it attracts a customer. From choosing a destination to selecting the perfect hotel for the vacation to quick payment. All these can be done in a few steps and very easily. You can also read reviews and select a means of best tourism agency nearby.

Regular offers attract Users

A traveling person always seeks for great deals. When a user downloads an app they have a particular liking and brand biasing. If your app or tour business offers great deals that can stand tall to competitors’ offers then you can attract more customers for your business or service. Also if your app has the function to compare different sites before making the transaction then they will stick to your application more.

Application Marketing Helps a Lot

There are N numbers of traveling apps wondering in the app store. Most of those apps are under a complete crisis but what they are doing wrong then those apps that are running very well? The thing they lack from their competitors is the right marketing strategy. An Application needs the support of a good digital marketing strategy. This digital marketing includes social media promotion, ASO (app store optimization) and other marketing practices. Your app needs to be appealing with its features while marketing’s work is to promote those features on bigger and engaging platforms. 

No Lengthy Booking Process

There was a time when a person has to go through a lengthy process and paper-work for completing the booking process. After the digital transformation of industry, it has become really easy. With mobile app saving details and one-touch payment helps to do all these in just a few touches. The easier the steps to complete the booking and get secure payments, more will be the chances to attract more customers.


There is no doubt that digital transformation has helped tours and travel industry with growing by a lot. Now as mobile apps are introduced, the potential of Tour and Travel business has increased by the great number. Getting a travel mobile application that is developed as per your features’ requirements will help you make more benefits than before.


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