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E-Commerce Website Development Process in 9 Easy Steps

Shopping preferences of consumers are changing at a fast pace. In the present time, people prefer doing online shopping cart rather than doing labor by standing in a physical store.
The demand for online purchase has been increased, and with that increased the need for e-commerce websites.

For all those who are wondering, how to create an e-commerce website, for them we have consolidated the 9 easy steps for e-commerce website development.
1. Buy and register yourself a unique and catchy domain name.
2. Hire a professional web developer who possesses a rich experience, especially in developing e-commerce websites as the creating e-commerce website is quite different from other regular websites.
We recommend you to vet your developers in following ways:-
  • Check their past work and references.
  • The tentative time to prepare your website.
  • If the developer also has a mind for developing e-commerce website design.

3. You must hire a business attorney who can help you to complete all the paperwork and make your business registered.
4. Wisely select your e-commerce hosting platform, some of the most popular ones are Shopify, WooCommerce and Big Commerce. You should always choose the best theme for customer experience designyour website.
Selection of website theme should be in such a way that it induces people to navigate through the site.
5. Make your website live, no matter if your products aren’t available in the market, it will help you to established legitimacy with your vendors.
6. Establish and improve your personal relationships with media and vendors. Offer them something which has value to them. You can use Pitchbox to develop key relationships with media.
7. For all e-commerce website owners, it is essential for them to have a proper billing system. Here comes the need for thorough payment gateway system. The presence of payment gateway and credit card processor completes your website.
8. Merely creating a website is not sufficient, its visibility also matters. For that, you need to set-up a shopping campaign. This campaign will boost the visibility of your website when users search for the relevant keywords. You can also develop an e-commerce mobile app.
9. Last but not the least is making the proper arrangement of shipping and storing of the ordered package. A nicely arranged shipping and storage facility is the key success of any e-commerce portal. 


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