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Principles to Develop Mobile Apps

From big scale industries to small-scale businesses to novel start-ups, everyone has joined the stampede to embark their presence on users mind for a long term.
One of the easiest ways for easy reachability goes through the domain of mobile application development.
In the past few years, the eco-system of mobile applications has seen a huge leap.  The number of mobile users is also increasing every day. Thus the easiest way for the companies to reach to the prospective clients goes through the path of the development of mobile applications.

What statistics say on mobile app usage?

  • The number of the mobile application downloaded worldwide in 2017 was 178.1 bn.
  • The number of apps available in the Google Play Store as per March 2017 was 2.8 million.
  • Till March 2017, the number of apps available in Apple’s App Store was 2.2 million.
These significantly huge numbers tell us about the importance of mobile apps at the present time.

Best design principles to develop mobile apps

Keep Your UI Simple

Gone are the days of using glittery and flashy backgrounds. Today, mobile app users prefer a simple UI design through which they can accomplish their task easily and in fewer steps.
Simple design helps you to convey your messages clearly to your clients.

Limited Major Actions On a Single Page

Users prefer the app where the one does not need to think twice to perform any action. Therefore, a designer must not complicate the app page by filling different actions on a single screen.  An app with simple functionality likely to stay in users mobile for a longer time.

Easy Navigation

Be it a single platform application or a cross-platform mobile app, an easy navigational mobile app, is a must for all. Try to develop such mobile application where users barely have to think to move across through your mobile app.
This is how you can make your app navigational:
  • Add different types of essential menus on the screen.
  • Avoid using too much scrolling, vertically or horizontally.
  • A mobile user also must not do too much zooming.

Make The Best Choice for Colours

A mobile application perfectly blended with colors, not only fascinates users but also leads to a higher conversion rate.
Following are the tips to use a correct color combination:
  • Avoid using too much brightness or contrast.
  • Use the soothing colors that do not hurt users’ eyes.
  • Use the color of buttons according to the functions they perform. For eg. you can choose the green color for the button that says “yes” or “continue” and the color red which says “no”  or “exit”.

Is Your App Suitable To Different Screen Resolutions and Sizes?

The number of mobile apps downloaded worldwide in 2018 has increased to 205.4 bn, and it is estimated that the number shall rise to 258.2 bn by 2022.
There’s a constant increase in the mobile app users, and each user has a unique demand. And the company has to cope up with each one.
Here’s comes in the picture, a major factor which plays a vital role in the success of any app, the different sizes of mobile applications.
A mobile app designer needs to design such apps which can be compatible with different dimensions and sizes of different mobiles of different brands or single brand.
A designer must optimize app screen size for as many screens as possible.

Test – Update and Upgrade

Development and designing go hand in hand, and both of these processes are continuous. Once the design is complete, you are required to test your designs continuously. The more you test your app, the more you reach close of making your designs flawless.
You should also go for updates in a regular interval of time. It will give something new to your users. Just make sure you do not update to the extent that it irritates them.
As the saying goes, change is the only constant and so does it also goes with app designing process. With rapidly evolving technology, there’s a huge scope for developers to design new patterns and upgrade the mobile app design which will bring something fresh and novel to users.


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